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Star Wars Battle Of Endor Game Mode

  1. Star Wars Battle Of Endor Game Mods
  2. Battle Of Endor Wookieepedia

Quick Tip In this particular mission, you will want to select as this Hero utilizes a jet pack which is very much needed in order to achieve several collectible tokens. Hero Battle on Endor Once the mission begins, head straight for the stairs and take a left. Travel down the hallway and once you've reached the end, jump left off the balcony and collect your first token (0:11). Upon collecting the first token, turn around and take the trail which hugs the building (right side of the trail).

Star Wars Battle Of Endor Game Mods


Follow the trail and turn right once you're given the option and notice the collectible token behind you (0:25). After grabbing the second collectible, head for the landing platform and use the jet pack to boost your way on top of the aircraft. The third collectible will be on the right side of the aircraft (0:38). Immediately jump down from the aircraft and head towards the fallen tree on your left. The collectible token will be on top of the fallen tree (0:48). Once you've grabbed the forth collectible token, turn around and head towards the building found on the right side of the trail.

Battle Of Endor Wookieepedia

Enter through the first entrance on the right, make a quick left; then right; then travel through the hallway and up the stairs - just the first set; do not turn around and travel up the second set. At the top of the first set of stairs, turn left and go through the door; take a few steps and turn right. Once in the proper area, notice the collectible token is slightly far away and requires a jet pack in order to select (1:10). Use the jet pack to boost your way towards the collectible token and grab it.