Go to C:, Windows, System32, DriversRight click on the file, select properties in the right-click menu.What I would do is;Save my file to your desktop.Rename to pci.sysYou will have to have file extensions visible for files.Go tools, folder options, view and uncheck 'hide extensions for known file types'.You should then be able to see the extensions on file names (like.txt,.sys etc).Rename my file to pci.sys (ie Change the.txt extension I put on it to post it)Go to system32, drivers and rename pci.sys to pci.old.Put the new one in the drivers folder.Hope this helps. Hi bigbuck, I don't want to appear stupid or daft. I'm probably a bit of both.I have got to the stage of renaming the file to pci.old on the drivers page and I have downloaded your file renaming it and it is on my desktop. When I went to 'search files and folders' it is listed saying 'documents and settings'. I am stuck, I don't know how to drag/drop your file or copy/paste to the drivers folder, please can you tell me step by step what to do, I'm frightened to close down the pc without fixing this problem.I followed your advice as at the same time mu pc rebooted 6 times and I began to get some what distressed, please can you help as soon as you can, Thank you, tweety pie. Hi bigbuck, I don't want to appear stupid or daft. I'm probably a bit of both.I have got to the stage of renaming the file to pci.old on the drivers page and I have downloaded your file renaming it and it is on my desktop.
When I went to 'search files and folders' it is listed saying 'documents and settings'. I am stuck, I don't know how to drag/drop your file or copy/paste to the drivers folder, please can you tell me step by step what to do, I'm frightened to close down the pc without fixing this problem.I followed your advice as at the same time mu pc rebooted 6 times and I began to get some what distressed, please can you help as soon as you can, Thank you, tweety pie. Bigbuck thank you so much for your help. I think I have done it right but I still have 2 entries of this, when I click on properties for your file it gives me todays date but when I click on the other file's properties it says Aug 2004, this being the renamed 'old', should I delete this file?In fact my 19 year old daughter helped me with the drag & drop, sometimes I can do the hard things yet the easy becomes hard, crazy I know.Thank you again goodness knows where I'd be without people like you, Cheers. Thanks for helping Ice!at least you're on the same timezone as Tweety Pie. I'm having trouble being online at the same time!Anyway tweety Pie,I've just searched my comp and I've got three pci.sys in different places.Now don't go renaming all of them!
File Missing Or Corrupt System32 Drivers Pci.sys
We are really only concerned with the one in your drivers folder. This is why I said. Don't search, just navigate to the actual folder.Now I'd gotten the impression that you had 2 in the drivers folder? Is that right?
If so, rename each pci.old and pci.old2.We don't want a pci.sys in that drivers folder when we drop my new one in.We can always change names back if we need to.Thanks again Ice, please do jump in! Any extra help is appreciated!Tweety Pie, get back to us and let us know how it's going.Cheers,Brad.